
正是橙黄橘绿时!这些和秋天有关的成语,英语怎么说?秋色宜人. 那么你知道这些成语怎么翻译成英语吗? 我们一起来看看~ 秋天成语的英语表达硕果累累:The autumn trees yield a lot of fruit. 五谷丰登:We have a bumper harvest with all types of crops. 秋高气爽:The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp and cool. 秋色宜人:The autumn scenery说完了。


地道英语口语:如何形容“炎热天气”形容“天气热”的地道英语口语表达: 1. It's scorching! 2. The heat is unbearable! 3. It's sweltering outside! 4. The temperature is soaring! 5. It's boiling hot today! 6. We're having a heatwave! 7. It's like an oven out there! 8. The sun is blazing! 9. It's extremely hot! 10. The weather has been sc说完了。

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